The general features & function & mounting dimension of panel meter:
Analogue frequency meters :
Model: 90°:SF-48,SF-72,SF-96,SF-144 240°: SF-72, SF-96
Voltage:110V,220V ,380V,440V
Heat resistance:Case of non-combusible plastic material.
Fastening:by means of nuts,absolutely safe,fast,robust,side-by-side
Mounting depth:Max 43mm.
Power factor meter(Cos¢ meters) :
Model: 90°:SF-48,SF-72,SF-96,SF-144 240°: SF-72, SF-96
Voltage:110V,220V ,380V,440V
Full scale value:0.5cap-1-0.5ind 0.3cap-1-0.1ind 0.7cap-1-0.2ind 0.4cap-1-0.4ind
Heat resistance:Case of non-combusible plastic material.
Fastening:by means of nuts,absolutely safe,fast,robust,side-by-side
Mounting depth:Max 43mm.
This meter can be used for single phase or three phase three wire circuit.