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PR Current Transformers

PR Series:

Protective current transformers are required to operate over a range of current many times the circuit rating and is frequently subjected to conditions greatly exceeding those which it would be subjected to as a measuring current transformer. When a current transformer is used to energize a protective relay, it must maintain its characteristic ratio up to some multiple of its rated current. This multiple, may be 5, 10, 20 or some even higher value and is know as the "Accuracy Limit Factor"(ALF). Therefore, the selection of Protective Current Transformers in relation to accuracy class and ALF require a close examination of relay characteristic and circuit conditions which includes the relay burden and the pilot wire lead burden. 

Dimensions (mm):

Spec. 60/5A 100/5A 150/5A 200/5A 250/5A 300/5A 400/5A 500/5A 600/5A
OD 100 100 100 100 96 96 96 100 100
ID 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 60 65
HT 148 98 68 58 68 68 68 48 58

CI: 50P5 15VA

Spec. 100 /5A 150 /5A 200 /5A 250 /5A 300 /5A 400 /5A 500 /5A 600 /5A 800 /5A 1000 /5A 1200 /5A 1600 /5A 2000 /5A 2500 /5A 3000 /5A 3500 /5A 4000 /5A 5000 /5A
OD 100 100 100 96 96 96 102 110 120 120 123 123 123 178 178 182 182 184
ID 34 34 34 45 45 45 62 68 62 85 82 82 125 125 125 120 120 118
HT 180 130 110 110 110 90 110 88 22 68 60 68 40 40 40 35 35 38

CI: 10P10

Spec. 100 /5A 150 /5A 200 /5A 300 /5A 400 /5A 500 /5A 600 /5A 800 /5A 1000 /5A 1200 /5A 1600 /5A 2000 /5A 2500 /5A 3000 /5A
OD 100 100 100 96 96 102 110 120 120 123 123 178 178 178
ID 34 34 34 45 60 60 68 62 85 82 82 125 125 125
HT 168 108 88 108 108 88 88 22 58 60 50 38 38 38


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